If they haven’t already, ask Terri and Sean to provide a finalized metadata spreadsheet for all of the titles in the round
Once you have the spreadsheet, send this along with all of the publisher files (PDFs and EPUBs) to Backstage Library Works so that they can create MARC records
Backstage Library Works will send the MARC records, and Jeremy and Jen will review them for accuracy and completion. Generally, there is no further action needed from the Production person at this point.
Trigonix (scanned TIFFs)
Production steps for files sent by Trigonix are largely the same as bookmarking PDFs, with just a few additional steps:
When Dessie (dessie@trigonix.com) sends files, log in to your Trigonix account and download them and place them at (I:) > SPO > ACLS > Backlist Rounds > ACLS ## > Scans from Trigonix
For each batch of files sent by Dessie, separate these into their own folders (e.g. First Batch, Second Batch, etc.)
Let Tim know that there are new scans so that he can compile these into PDFs
Tim will notify you when the PDFs have been created and note the file path to locate the PDFs for bookmarking
At this point, return to the General Production Steps, starting with Step 3