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This document describes the procedure that must be followed by the person building a new resource (collection or single publication) and notes which of these steps apply to DCC or MPublishing only. Some steps involve the collections manager—Chris (sooty) for DCC or Jeremy (jgmorse) for MPublishing—and this procedure notes how to prompt the collections manager to do what is needed. While the directions are written with DLXS in mind, a number of steps still apply to non-DLXS collections as well.

Steps beginning beginning with an asterisk should should be followed every time a collection is re-released (when content is added). An An asterisk in parentheses indicates indicates that the step might need to be followed.

  1. Get Aleph ID(s) for resources of which there's no other manifestation in Mirlyn

  2. Build collection (including adding collid or adding collid or group ID to collmgrto collmgr), set up collection-level handle

  3. Set up communication channels

  4. Request collid or Request collid or group ID authorization

  5. Request dev server access for people without uniqnames

  6. Set up placeholder static pages

  7. MPublishing monographs (print and electronic) only: Apply Apply for ISBN

  8. MPublishing non-POD print editions only: Submit Submit CIP or PCN data

  9. MPublishing only:Determine whether and how to set up DOIs

  10. MPublishing serials only: When When the content for the first issue arrives, check whether the new title is already listed as a forthcoming journal. If not, add it (see Step 3 of of Set up placeholder static pages).

  11. Prep the content.

  12. MPublishing serials only:  Set up Headra for the new collection.

  13. Check resource title and functionality

  14. Have publishing partner preview.

  15. MPublishing serials only: Apply for ISSN

  16. *Send new POD items to POD printer(s)

  17. *Add or remove POD items from POD databases

  18. *Set item-level auth

  19. Configure DLXS collection statistics

  20. Configure web feed

  21. *Release collection to production

  22. (*)Have resource fully cataloged (even if a placeholder was created earlier)

  23. (*)Add content provider to outages email list

  24. Announce availability of resource (first time): Library Newsletter, libnews, other publicity channels

  25. (*)Provide additional information on resource:  e-publicity, Search Tools

  26. MPublishing only: After receiving ISSN or ISBN

  27. *MPublishing only: Submit metadata to DOAB and full content to OAPEN Library

  28. (*)Submit to major online journal indexes

  29. (*)MPublishing serials only: Submit to directories of periodicals

  30. MPublishing serials only: Submit to indexing and abstracting services

  31. MPublishing print editions only: Deposit copies at LC and U-M

Technical Documentation



