Receive front cover ideas from cover designer*
Send front cover ideas to editor*
Send front cover feedback to cover designer (repeat steps 1 & 2 as needed)*
Front cover approved by editor*
Send front cover to author(s) for minor text changes only*
Front cover approved
Add front cover JPEGs for print and ebook to I:\UMP\webapp\umpweb\covers
E-mail author(s), editor, and marketing team the link
For Lever titles, this step is done during post-production tasks
Receive copyedit from vendor and review
Send copyedit to author(s)
Receive copyedit feedback from author(s) and review
Send copyedit feedback to vendor
Close JIRA ticket (if applicable)
Order comp copies for the author according to contract
The editor does completes this step for ACP titles
Send 1 copy to the UM Library and 2 copies to the Library of Congress (LoC)
Notify Jason that the project is ready for invoicing
Make sure final production files are on shared drive for archive
One week after pub date, check availability on Amazon and Readerbound in case there are problems
One month after pub date, check aggregators to confirm title is included
*These steps do not apply to DPCs for Lever Press titles