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Follow these steps to make a book!

Note that some of these steps may occur concurrently (such as copyediting and cover design).


  1. Project Transmittal/Launch meeting

    1. Amherst College Press Transmittal Spreadsheet

    2. Lever Press Transmittal folder

  2. Assign ISBN to print and/or ebook (if not already supplied)

    1. Amherst College Press ISBN Assignment sheet

    2. Lever Press ISBN Assignment sheet

  3. Review transmittal and manuscript submission for completeness

  4. Create copyright page

  5. Send files to vendor and request a quote and schedule

  6. Send Cover Design Brief to cover designer*

  7. Create Asana task

    1. Amherst College Press Asana template

    2. Lever Press Asana template

  8. Create TMM record

  9. Request LoC PCN

  10. Create a JIRA ticket for Fulcrum resources (if needed)

    1. Jira ticket template

  11. Send vendor quote and schedule to editor for approval

  12. Vendor quote and schedule approved

  13. Enter all schedule dates in Asana task

  14. Send schedule to author(s)
