Receive the front cover ideas from cover designer. Save to the project folder under “Cover.”
Send the front cover ideas to the editor*
Send front cover feedback to cover designer (repeat steps 1 & 2 as needed)*
Front cover approved by editor*
Send front cover to author(s) for minor text changes only. Only text corrections allowed.*
Front cover approved. Save to the project folder.*
Create the Fulcrum monograph page
E-mail the author(s), editor, and marketing team the link
For Lever titles, this step is done during post-production tasks
Receive the copyedited files from the vendor and review:
Make sure all queries for the author make sense and start with “AQ:”
Determine if any queries should be answered by you or the editor
Receive the copyedit feedback from the author(s) and review:
Make sure all queries have been answered clearly
Send the copyedit feedback to the vendor
Receive the typeset PDF from the vendor and review:
Check TOC to make sure all content is present and in the correct order
Scan through the book to make sure the layout and organization match the Design Sample
Receive the typeset PDF feedback from the author(s) and review:
All changes should be provided in the PDF markup (not via e-mail, Word doc, etc.)
Ensure all changes are clearly marked and make sense
Send the typeset PDF feedback to the vendor
Receive the final typeset PDF from the vendor and review:
Check that all of the author’s previous changes were made correctly
Send the final typeset PDF to the author(s)*
This pass is ONLY to check previous changes--not to introduce new changes
Final typeset PDF approved (may have minimal changes)
Final interior files delivered from vendor
Should include the print PDF and all application files (InDesign, linked images, etc.)
Full Cover Spread
Send case design template, barcode, and back cover copy to cover designer
Receive full cover spread from designer and review
Send full cover spread to editor and author(s) for approval
Full cover spread approved