TeamDynamix (TDx) Quick Reference

TeamDynamix (TDx) Quick Reference

TeamDynamix is the replacement for Jira HelpDesk.


Some Basic Things to Know

  • All Library projects are in the same application (“ULIB Tickets”). We all have access to other projects' tickets, and other Library staff can read even our “private” comments. Please take care!

  • All of the basic functionality we used in Jira has been replicated in TDx. This guide will show you how to do the basic workflow.

  • Make sure your browser is not blocking pop-ups on teamdynamix.umich.edu!


Your First Login

  1. Go to https://teamdynamix.umich.edu/TDNext/ and log in.

    1. If you have access problems, contact Jeremy Morse or Jason Colman.

  2. You’ll find yourself on a blank Desktop, which isn’t going to be much use. Click the tab with the grid symbol to view the available applications.

  3. Click on the ULIB Tickets symbol.

    This will create a new tab next to Desktop and Search. This is how you’ll access tickets (unless until a custom Desktop is set up). You’ll probably never need to go to that grid tab again.


Reviewing New Tickets

  1. Go to https://teamdynamix.umich.edu/TDNext/ and log in if you aren’t already.

  2. You are now on the default Desktop. You can customize this at a later point for convenience. For now, to view the tickets that need to be reviewed, Click the ULIB Tickets tab.

  3. In the left column, under Tickets, click Awaiting My Review.

  4. Here you should see a grid of all tickets that have yet to be assigned. (Everyone in the ULIB-MPub-Help group will see the same tickets listed here.) You can open a ticket by clicking on its ID or Title, or multi-select with the checkboxes to perform certain batch actions. Proceed to one of the sections below based on what you want to do.

Dealing With Spam

If you’ve identified a ticket as spam, then open it and do the following:

  1. Click the green Edit button at the top of the ticket.

  2. On the screen that pops up, you can edit all of the basic information on this ticket. The most important thing to understand it that the requestor is not notified if you edit a ticket. Think of Edit as fixing the ticket, as opposed to putting it through a workflow. And in our case, we’re going to fix the fact that we received this ticket in the first place.

  3. Scroll down to Status and change it to “Cancelled”.

  4. Click Save at the top of the screen.

  5. Click To Detail or close the window.

We can set up a filter on the GMail account that feeds into TDx. If you notice a recurring pattern we could filter for, forward a sample to Jeremy or Jason.

Assigning a Ticket

  1. Open the ticket by clicking its ID or Title. To see who a ticket is currently assigned to, look under Responsibility. You’ll see that the tickets are assigned to our group ULIB-MPub-Help when created (this is how they show up in Awaiting My Review).

  2. To assign to an individual, Click Action, then Reassign Service Request.

    1. To assign it to yourself, you can select Take Service Request and skip the remaining steps.

  3. Under New Responsibility, start typing the person’s name or uniqname. The lookup function will show the matching options; select the appropriate one.

  4. Notify the new resource of the assignment is checked by default. If you don’t want want to trigger the email alert, uncheck it.

  5. Leave a Comment as appropriate. The requestor will not see this comment.

  6. Click Save.

Assigning Tickets to MPUB-Access

In certain cases a request may come into MPUB-help project that belongs in a different project. This most commonly occurs when users send authorization requests (eg, change my IP address on file) to mpub-help@umich.edu instead of ump-access@umich.edu. To ensure a ticket is queued in a different project, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Open the ticket that needs to be moved.

  2. Select the green “Edit” button


  3. On the Edit page, scroll down to the Responsible field and assign it broadly to the ULIB-MPub-Access Group (start typing in the search box and the full name of the group will appear – then select that result).


You should then select the green Save button at the top of the ticket. With this change the ticket will remain in the MPUB-Help queue but will also appear in the MPUB-Access ticket queue and will notify via email the staff who handle those tickets.

Finding Tickets Assigned to You

  1. Log on to https://teamdynamix.umich.edu/TDNext/ and click the ULIB Tickets tab.

  2. Under Tickets, select Assigned To Me.

  3. You’ll see a grid of all tickets assigned to you in TDx, perhaps from projects other than MPub-Help. Click a ticket’s ID or Title to open it.


Quick Internal Comments

To make quick internal comments without having to worry about alerting the Requestor, use these two features:

  • Use the green Comment button at the bottom of the ticket to leave an internal comment.

  • Use the Attachments box on the ticket summary, to attach a file that the Requestor will not be able to access.


Normal Ticket Processing

For most ticket modifications, you’ll select Update, either under the Action button at the top of the ticket, or with the Update button at the bottom of the ticket.


  1. Update the Status as appropriate.

  2. Make Comments as desired. Make comments private is checked by default. This only controls whether the comment will display for anyone viewing this ticket in the client portal. It doesn’t affect whether the requestor will receive an emailed response – the Notify field controls that.

  3. Notify will contain the Requestor by default. You can remove this selection if you e.g. don’t want to send an alert about the Status change. (Otherwise, Update is principally about communicating with the Requestor.)

  4. Add other ULIB staff to the Notify field if you want to inform them of this update. They will receive email alerts as well, and will be able to view the ticket history.

  5. Add non-ULIB email addresses to the Other Email Addresses field. They will receive a notification of this update only and will not be able to see the ticket history, including the original Description. Any pertinent information should be copied into the Comments field.

  6. Attachment(s) will be included in any notifications for this Update.

  7. Knowledge Base Article does not apply for us at present.

  8. pub_press_or_coll is for our internal use and may help with ticket tracking in the future.

  9. Click the green Save button at the top of the screen when finished. This will trigger the notifications.


Custom Desktops

Jeremy is working on a template desktop to share with the group, but feel free to experiment on the Desktop tab. Any changes you make there will only affect your own space.


Flagging Tickets

This is equivalent to Watching a ticket in Jira. The custom desktop can include a report of all your flagged tickets, so I’ll add more info here once that’s set up.

More Documentation and Training

ITS provides many hours of TDX Technician Resources.

(Note, we are all Technicians by dint of having access to the TDx backend.)

Caveat emptor: This material is primarily written for ITS staff and so some of the details will not apply to us : they assume an ITS-centric business process; the URLs may take you to an ITS portal instead of a ULIB portal; etc. But the general information applies, so you may find this useful. TeamDynamix has a lot of potential that we will want to explore over time!




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