Fulcrum Release Notes

  • Sprint 98: February 19-March 11, 2020

  • Sprint 99: March 11-25, 2020

  • Sprint 100: March 25-April 15, 2020

     - Grant 3 started April 1, 2020

  • Sprint 101: April 15-May 6, 2020

  • Sprint 102: May 6-27, 2020

  • Sprint 103: May 27-June 17, 2020

  • Sprint 104: June 17-July 8, 2020

  • Sprint 105: July 8-29, 2020

  • Sprint 106: July 29-August 19, 2020

  • Sprint 107: August 19-September 9, 2020

  • Sprint 108: September 9-30, 2020

  • Sprint 109: September 30-October 21, 2020

  • Sprint 110: October 21-November 11, 2020

  • Sprint 111: November 11-December 2, 2020

  • Sprint 112: December 2-16, 2020

  • Sprint 113: January 4-27, 2021

  • Sprint 114: January 27-February 17, 2021

  • Sprint 115: February 17-March 10, 2021

  • Sprint 116: March 10-31, 2021

  • Sprint 117: March 31-April 21, 2021

  • Sprint 118: April 21-May 12, 2021

  • Sprint 119: May 12-June 2, 2021

  • Sprint 120: June 2-23, 2021

  • Sprint 121: June 23-July 14, 2021

  • Sprint 122: July 14-August 4, 2021

  • Sprint 123: August 4-25, 2021

  • Sprint 124: August 25-September 15, 2021

  • Sprint 125: September 15-October 6, 2021

  • Sprint 126: October 6-27, 2021

  • Sprint 127: October 27-November 17, 2021

  • Sprint 128: November 17-December 8, 2021

  • Sprint 129: December 8-15, 2021

  • Sprint 130: January 5-26, 2022

  • Sprint 131: January 26-February 16, 2022

  • Sprint 132: February 16-March 9, 2022

  • Sprint 133: March 9-30, 2022

    • Grant 3 ended April 30, 2022

  • Sprint 134: March 30-April 20, 2022

    • Completion of the work to improve authentication usability

    • Google Analytics Universal to GA4 work

    • PDF download issue; Update pdf.js

    • Import HEB backlist metadata into TMM 

    • Create American Society of Papyrologists subpress; move published titles into it

  • Sprint 135: April 20-May 11, 2022

    • Implementation of monograph catalog page redesign

    • Auto handle generation fix

    • Integrate IRUS gem

    • Final usability report completed

    • Automate MARC record assembly for HEB

  • Sprint 136: May 11-June 1, 2022

    • Format award metadata on monograph catalog page

    • Gabii 3d Model and Database access through Resources

    • Default sort by changed to Publication Date (HEB remains as Date Added)

    • Chapter Download Button aligned in Table of Contents

    • Updated language on counter_reports page for librarians accessing outside of IP range

    • HEB/Bagnall EPUB adjusted to allow for quicker load of table-heavy section

    • Fix PDF thumbnail links in E-Reader

    • Bridwell Press title published May 25, 2022

  • Sprint 137: June 1-22, 2022

    • Created unpack button to rebuild enhanced epub

    • Delete and rebuild Fulcrum handles to fix permissions issue

    • Upgrade to Hyrax 3.0

  • Sprint 138: June 22-July 13, 2022

    • Delayed release to July 28, 2022 

    • Create tombstones for titles removed from EBC and HEB

    • Change default selections in COUNTER reports 

    • Set up and style MichELT on Fulcrum

    • Create MACPRA free-to-read product for UMMAA 

    • Use full (book level) HEB ID in displayed "Citable Link" box and citation

  • Sprint 139: July 13-August 3, 2022

    • Sitemaps were modified to skip over tombstoned monographs and monographs without FileSets

    • Footer for Lever Press updated to Ann Arbor, MI and Oberlin and Amherst were removed as partners, as the operations of Lever Press have been fully transferred to Michigan Publishing.

  • Sprint 140: August 3-24, 2022

    • Fix Kibana dashboard link on Impact page

    • Wrote service that analyzes a HEB monograph and decides what handle(s) need to be registered for it. The service will: 

      • Look at the namespaced HEB ID in ‘identifier’ (e.g. heb_id: heb01234.0123.001) and then:

      • Book level handle with no dot (the actual HEB Book ID):

        • will look like 2027/heb01234.0123.001

        • will link directly to the monograph in question

      • Title-level handle with no dot (the actual HEB Title ID):

        • will look like 2027/heb01234

        • will link to (based on checking Solr for the HEB Title ID)

          • Directly to the Monograph if there are no additional volumes for the title

          • To a Blacklight search that uses the HEB Title ID if there are multiple titles

    • Replicated navigation that was on DLXS and was lost when migrated to Fulcrum. The title Architecture and memory: The Renaissance studioli of Federico de Montefeltro/Kirkbride. Included these changes:

      • The Navigation section has been updated with the text provided in the Text for navigational icon page. The text wraps around the left side of the Navigation icons.

      • Links in the Navigational icon were updated per the authors request including linking to the Preamble button, update the link to the List of Illustrations, update the header for C to “Infrequently Asked Questions’; and D should link to Extended Captions

      • Continuous scroll is now the default for the EPUB 

  • Sprint 141: August 24-September 14, 2022

    • Released Lever Press’s Princesse de Cleves - September 6, 2022

    • Disabled delete button on catalog page and dashboard for monographs with more than 200 filesets

    • Remove “locale=en” param from BAR DOIs, which is a problem for WAYFless URLs

    • Increase recent books to 4 on Lever Press Aboutware

  • Sprint 142: September 14-October 5, 2022

    • Completed Jira Cloud migration (HELIO, FULCRUMOPS, CSB)

    • Journals resource mockup work

  • Sprint 143: October 5-November 2, 2022

    • Extended sprint to 4 weeks bc of Samvera Connect

    • Journals resource metadata work

    • Updated HEB VPAT

  • Sprint 144: November 2-16, 2022

    • HEB Round 19 Published 11/10/22

    • APTrust work

    • SEAS Styled, DOIs on Fulcrum

    • Send EPUBs to NewGen for remediation

    • Fulcrum About page updated

  • Sprint 145: November 16-December 7, 2022

    • Fedora as backup

    • Completed PageMajik art audit review

    • Removed Carillon score code

    • Bridwell Press Aboutware development

  • Sprint 146: December 7-14, 2022*

  • Sprint 147: January 4-25, 2023

    • Monograph page TOC full/partial option

    • Updated VPATs on Accessibility page

    • Removal of Safari 13 accommodation for video

    • Annual cleanup of users/roles on Fulcrum

    • Process and Reversion Remediated UMPEBC EPUBs

    • Completed HEB Round 19 publication tasks

    • Journal resources work

  • Sprint 148: January 25-February 15, 2023

  • Sprint 149: February 15-March 8, 2023

    • Hotfix during this sprint (2/23/23) to handle Janeway article embeds and correct date published on Fulcrum work

    • EXProxy attempted fix

    • All BAR series were removed; BAR auditing these values

    • Create Big Ten Open Books Collection

  • Sprint 150: March 9-29, 2023

    • Wireframes completed and approved for Download/Read button to access a free PDF

    • Wireframes completed and approved for adding warning labels to monograph and fileset pages

    • Metadata changes: copyright holder to rightsholder, and keywords

    • GA4 plugin for aboutware

    • Completion of backup and restore work

    • Automatic creation of KBART files

    • EZProxy work including removal of attempted fix from last sprint and the disabling of browser caching requests (Chrome/Chromium)

    • Update skylight gem

    • Add Gabii feedback message to collect user feedback

    • Michelt styling, preparation for move from subpress to press

  • Sprint 151: March 29-April 12, 2023

    • Hotfix during this sprint (4/6/23) to put unpacking work into the same queue as ingest activity to try to improve speed of unpacking books and not leaving books in an inaccessible state

    • Update PDF.js from version 2.13.216 to 3.4.120

    • Michigan ELT migrated into an independent press

    • Amherst College Press aboutware updated to include four slots for recent books

    • Conversations Across the Field of Dance Studies, Volume 41 published; first example of cross platform integration - Janeway and Fulcrum

  • Sprint 152: April 12-26, 2023

    • Automate generation of BAR usage reports

  • Sprint 153: April 26-May 17, 2023

    • Hotfix during this sprint (5/16/23) to prepare the Big Ten Open Books Collection for soft launch

    • Improve Platform Search Phase 1 Spike: April 26-May 3, 2023

      • Research what work/tickets need to be done/created to improve search

    • Metadata Template and FMSL updated for Rightsholder

    • Improved load time of monographs with PDF primary FileRepresentative

  • Sprint 154: May 17-June 7, 2023

    • Continued migration off of Bulleit-1 server

    • Migrated from GitLab to GitHub

    • Preparation for the GA4 migration

  • Sprint 155: June 7-July 12, 2023

    • Begin working on Hyrax 4 upgrade

    • Continue migrating cron jobs for migration to isolated hosting

    • GA4 migration work

    • Begin working on sensitive labels feature development

    • Launch Big Ten Collection on Fulcrum (June 21, 2023)

    • Remove access message for Open Access presses, e.g. Big Ten Collection, Lever Press, Amherst, etc.

    • Turn off KBART jobs in TMM

    • FTP KBARTs to Dreamhost

    • Apply styling to The Free Electrical and Computer Engineering Textbook Initiative

  • Sprint 156: July 12-August 2, 2023

    • Index DOIs for search

    • Content warning labels

    • Migrate crons

  • Sprint 157: August 2-23, 2023

    • Implemented content warning labels (How to page)

    • Implement registration required to download/read feature

    • Pagination to OPDS feeds

    • Update AblePlayer from 4.3 to 4.5

    • Experiment with IRUS embed code/widget

    • Redirect map for pressweb rebuild

    • Update BAR Historical Reprints product and licenses

  • Sprint 158: August 23-September 13, 2023

    • Added default thumbnail on content warning FileSet for display

    • Removed fixed layout page scan EPUB (outside of HEB)

    • TMM to Fulcrum csv cron task gets file from FTP

    • Fulcrum DOIs/handles rake task for TMM FTP

    • Implemented changes for Amherst College Press Aboutware

    • Implement content warning labels for UMMAA/MACPRA

    • Prepare the UMMAA PASH volumes 1 and 2 for publication

      • Review and ingest resources

      • Add alt text to the PDFs

  • Sprint 159: September 13-October 4, 2023

    • UMMAA PASH volumes 1 and 2 published (September 12, 2023)

    • Books Analytics Dashboard added to Big Ten aboutware

    • Forthcoming status experiment (Amherst College Press: Deep Horizons)

    • MichELT Take Care

  • Sprint 160: October 4-November 1, 2023

    • Continued work on Hyrax 4 upgrade

      • Work on updating press themes for Bootstrap upgrade

    • Corrected Crossref Submission Log failures (comp instead of cmp)

    • KBART publisher and pub date columns fixed

    • BAR series value changes

    • Big Ten Creative Commons licenses added to monographs

    • UVM Backlist file QC

  • Sprint 161: November 1-15, 2023

    • Update privacy policy with IRUS information

    • Added OPDS feed for Big Ten

    • Tombstoned works removed from royalty reports

    • APTrust consultation

    • Migrate Maize Books from DLXS to Fulcrum

    • Begin work on Aperio aboutware

    • Open Access Musicology Volume 2: Replace Fulcrum resources with links

  • Sprint 162: November 15-December 6, 2023

    • Hotfix v3.24.1 11/30/23: Change destination for PSI reports

    • Prepare Aperio Press for launch

    • HEB KBART now use HEB handles in title_url field

    • Search: count hits in full text search experiments

  • Sprint 163: December 6-20, 2023

    • Allow authors to review ebook on Fulcrum in Draft state using Share Link

    • Remove Admin ebook download; available through Manage Files page

    • Confirmed that multiple MARC records does not cause problems

    • Cleanup users/roles for Fulcrum production and preview for 2023

    • BAR pre-2020 titles finalized

    • Launch Aperio on December 14, 2023

    • Extract Homosaurus terms from MARC records

  • Sprint 164: January 10-31, 2024

    • IRUS usage stats embedded on monograph pages for all titles on Fulcrum

    • Free message modified to remove “temporary”

    • Update FAQ Link on fulcrum.org.counter_reports

    • Update copyright year in footer

    • Survey works on OA, PDF-only books

    • Status page now only available to U-M VPN users or those with Fulcrum role

    • Put in Able Player PR for italics/bold tags line breaks

    • Ingest content to preview for Hyrax 4 Bootstrap review

  • Sprint 165: January 31-February 21, 2024

    • Add UI control to turn/off IRUS stats tab

    • Updated link to the BAR End User License Agreement (EULA) pop-up message that appears on the BAR pages

  • Sprint 166: February 21-March 13, 2024, v4.0

    • The main work this sprint was to finish and put into production the Hyrax 4.0 upgrade; we ran into issues and had to rollback to v3.29 on March 14, 2024

    • Turn Allow Share Links controller on for publishers with Open Access books

  • Sprint 167: March 13-April 3, 2024, v4.1

    • Re-released v4.0 on March 21, 2024

    • Hotfix v4.0.1 3/28/24: Aberdeen styles and OA book survey, update mysql2 gem, silence deprecation warnings in production

    • Fully released Aberdeen University Press (soft launch was 3/18/24, hard launch was 3/28/24)

    • Work on Hyrax 4 deploy failures

    • Press analysts can now see the monograph catalog admin menu so they can access the Read Book link and see the manage files in draft mode

    • Chapter links are disabled for restricted titles for unauthorized users

    • Fix 500 error when editing PDF, PPT filesets

    • Fix EBC components missing from Products

    • Disable continuous scroll for a single title; set to scroll as default

    • Adjust Lever Press aboutware to remove Events, add YouTube links, fix navigation menu, and fix footer

  • Sprint 168: April 3-24, 2024, v4.2

    • Hotfix v4.1.1 4/11/24: This hotfix was focused on implementing fixes to performance issues that emerged after the upgrade to Hyrax 4 on 3/21/24

    • Buy Book URL multi-value field changed to single value to reflect the actual behavior, which is to say, Fulcrum can only currently support one Buy Book URL

    • Fulcrum informational pages were updated to reflect, among other things, new clients, case studies and the addition of Integrity as a core Fulcrum value

    • Added Google Tag Manager to Fulcrum preview and production, which will allow the team to implement tags and trigger events to understand user behavior on the platform

    • ITS storage migration on 3/1/24 resulted in needing to resolve discrepancies

    • Issue with Fulcrum URLs not posting back to TMM resolved

  • Sprint 169: April 24-May 15, 2024, v4.3

    • Develop interactive application resource type

    • Develop report of institution grants for a product

    • Display institution logo in institution access banner

  • Sprint 170: May 15-June 5, 2024, v4.4

    • Hotfix v4.3.1 5/23/24: Fix HELIO-3806 Verma bug

    • Scholarly iQ work started: 5/20/24 kick off

    • Update PDF.js

    • Fix access filters and force platform admin tool

  • Sprint 171: June 5-26, 2024, v4.5

    • Scholarly iQ prep

  • Sprint 172: June 26-July 17, 2024, v4.6

    • Added Altmetric badge to the PDF reader

    • Added clockwise rotate button to the PDF reader

    • Added warning for Admins/Editors/Analysts that if they download a PDF, it is the watermarked version and to not edit this version of a PDF

    • Remove whitespace from DOI field

    • Add milliseconds to FileSet DOI timestamps

    • Posted Hyrax 4 upgrade documentation to the Samvera Community

    • Work on UVM Press aboutware