Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

**** Need to determine what content like reviews, related, peer_review, database, aboutware are called. ****

Aboutware is marketing content about monographs. 

Access Restriction diminishes a user access to a resource. Prohibit download is a typical access restriction placed on a resource.

Additional Resource is a resource that is listed in the resources tab of the monograph, may also be an embedded resource.

Affiliated User is a user that has an institutional affiliation.

Publisher Catalog is the set of monographs associate with the publisher's subdomain. Depending on the context it may be the unioned with child publisher catalogs.  

Child Publisher has one parent publisher and no children.

Collection is synonymous with a set of monographs

Dashboard is available to privileged users that are responsible for maintaining publisher content.

EBook is an EPUB or PDF representative resource.

Ebook Reader is the online viewer for EPUB and PDF representative resources.

Embedded Resource is a resource that is referenced by the EBook and presented in the Ebook Reader, may also be an additional resource.

Enhanced EBook is an ebook that overlays internal static resources with platform resources when viewed with the ebook reader.  

Externally Hosted Resource is a resource whose metadata is hosted on the platform but whose actually file is not hosted on the platform but referred to by a URL.

Final Manuscript Submission Log (FMSL) is a publisher proprietary digital document used in the publisher's workflow.

Free Access refers to a monograph that is not associated with any product (or if associated with a product its purchase requirement has been temporarily suspended) and its EBook representative resources can be read by any user.

Fulcrum Platform (platform) is the enterprise of systems used for the preservation and display of publisher content.

Fulcrum Dashboard  https://www.fulcrum.org/dashboard is available only to platform administrators.

Metadata Template is a spreadsheet that contains metadata for a monograph and its resources. 

Monograph is metadata and a set of resources, the base unit of content.

Monograph Catalog is the additional resources of a monograph.

Open Access is an attribute of a monograph that designates its EBook representative resources can be read by any user.  This attributes overrides any paid access requirement.

Paid Access refers to a monograph that is a member of a product and its EBook representative resources can be read only by a user that has purchased the product or a user that is affiliated with an institution that has purchased the product.

Parent Publisher has zero or more child publishers and no parent. 

Platform Administrator (Platform Admin) is a role that allows the user administrative privileges over the entire platform.

Privileged User is a user that has a role.

Product is the base unit of purchase and represents a set of monographs.

Publisher is a content provider. 

Publisher Administrator (Publisher Admin) is a role that allows the user administrative privileges over the publisher's subdomain on the platform.

Publisher Subdomain is the string that uniquely identifies the publisher on the platform.

Publisher URL is the URL of the publisher's catalog page on the platform. The URL has the form https://fulcrum.org/<publisher subdomain> e.g. https://fulcrum.org/heb is the publisher URL for ACLS Humanities E-Book publisher.    

Representative Resource is a resource that is a representation of the monograph e.g. EPUB or PDF.

Resource is a file (a.k.a. binary blob) and its associated metadata.

Share Link allows temporary access to restricted content to support inter-library loan.

Tombstone is an attribute of a monograph that designates its EBook representative resources can NOT be read by any user. This attribute overrides any paid access authorization.

User refers to the individual using a browser to interact with the system.

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